5HP381 Chapters in Economic Policy

Přednášející v kurzu Chapters in economic policy

Kontaktní osoba – prof. Ing. Karel Dyba, CSc. –  kady@atlas.cz

(Contemporary economic policies: the OECD aproach)


Rozpis přednášek LS 2017/2018

12.2.  K. Dyba: Transformation policies for (re)creating a market economy: the case of the CR

19.2. J. Bartoš: Energy (oil) security and IEA´s role

26.2. P. Štěpánek: Central banks, monetary policy and banks

5.3. M. Petr: Competition law and policy

  1. 3. V. Vojtěch: Agricultural policies in the OECD countries

19.3. M. Mora: Euro and banking union: a view from Prague

26.3. P. Žáková: EU (Europe) and its future

9.4. J. Slíva: European Investment Bank („EU Bank“) in the context of the global financial architecture

16.4. D. Trnka: Regulatory policy for strengthening competitivness

23.4. M. Jareš: Tax policy and OECD

30.4. Selected students´ presentations

7.5. to be announced


Karel Dyba, retired

Professor for Economic policy since 2007, Prague University of Economics and Business.

PhD  in 1973,  Prague University of Economics. Until 1984 researcher in the Institute of Economics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAV). (Its director in 1990.) Since 1984 till 1989  senior researcher  in the Institute for Forecasting of the CSAV.

1990 to 1992   Minister for Economic Policy and  Development of the Czech Republic. In 1992  Member of the Parliament of the Czechoslovak Federative Republic for the Civic Democratic Party. Between 1992 and 1996 Minister of Economy of the Czech Republic .

For several years in the 90s President of the Czech Economic Association and  on the  board of the International Economic Association.

Since 2007 until 2012  Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the OECD.

Jan Stráský

Jan Stráský pracuje od listopadu 2012 jako ekonom v OECD, kde se v divizi makroekonomických politik věnuje především ekonomickému prognózování a analýze fiskálních problémů členských států. Předtím působil jako senior ekonom v Deutsche Bank a jako ekonom v Evropské centrální bance ve Frankfurtu. Před odchodem do zahraničí pracoval jako samostatný odborný referent v odboru bankovního dohledu České národní banky. Získal doktorát z ekonomie na Oxfordské universitě a magisterské tituly z Fakulty sociálních věd a Filosofické fakulty University Karlovy. Specializuje se na makroekonomii, měnovou politiku a mezinárodní ekonomii. Své práce publikoval ve sbornících a ve Working Paper series Evropské centrální banky a České národní banky.

Martin Jareš

V roce 1998 ukončil magisterské studium na Vysoké škole ekonomické, fakultě Mezinárodních vztahů. V roce 2010 pak završil postgraduální studium na fakultě Financí a účetnictví s disertační prací na téma daňové úlevy v České republice. V roce 1998 nastoupil na Ministerstvo financí, jako daňový analytik. Od roku 2003 pracoval jako vedoucí oddělení a od roku 2005 jako ředitel odboru daňové a celní politiky (resp. strategie daňové politiky a správy). V roce 2010 krátce působil jako vrchní ředitel pro daňovou politiku. Během své profesní kariéry se zabýval zejména daňovou politikou na národní, evropské i mezinárodní úrovni, dále daňovými analýzami a odhadem daňových výnosů, ale i dalšími oblastmi jako je strategie daňové a celní správy (projekt Jedno inkasní místo) a mezinárodními daňovými vztahy. Jako posluchač se zúčastnil kurzů OECD a IMF z daňové oblasti a od roku 2005 přednášel v kurzu OECD Tax Modelling Workshop. V roce 2012 nastoupil do OECD na pozici daňového ekonoma. V OECD se v rámci projektu Base Erosion and Profit Shifting zabývá ekonomickou analýzou mezinárodní daňové optimalizace nadnárodních společností.

Daniel Trnka 

Od 2008  analytik v Divizi pro regulatorní politiku OECD. V oblasti reformy veřejné správy a regulatorní reformy pracuje již více než 13 let na národní i mezinárodní úrovni. Zastával různě pozice v české státní správě, m.j. ředitel odboru reformy regulace a kvality veřejné správy na MV ČR. Vystudoval znalostní řízení a politologii na VŠE Praha. 2003/2004 absolvoval stáž v Evropské komisi. V rámci OECD publikoval nebo se podílel na publikaci zpráv jako Cutting Red Tape: Why Is Administrative Simplification So Complicated?, Administrative Simplification in Poland, Administrative Simplification in Viet Nam, atd.

 Pavel Štěpánek

From 2011, he works as managing director of the Czech Banking Association. He is graduate from the Prague School of Economics and participated in training courses of the International Monetary Fund.

Between 1981 and 1998 he was working for the Ministry of finance, where he held various positions, lately he acted as deputy minister in charge of financial policy, legislation of financial markets, international relations and oversight of the banking privatisation agenda. In 1995-1996 he was working on secondment in the Economics department of the OECD. Between 1999 and 2005 he was member of the Board of the Czech National Bank. In 2005-2006 he was deputy managing director of the Czech Banking Association. From 2007 to 2011 he went to work as member of the Board of Directors of the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) in London.

For many years, he has been cooperating with the Prague School of Economics where he is teaching courses on economic policy making. During his professional career, he was actively involved in a number of research projects, sponsored both by domestic and international academic and research institutions.

Jan Sliva

Jan Sliva (*1973) joined the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg in 2010 and currently works as Senior Advisor to the Vice President responsible for operations in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and the Eastern Partnership countries. Previously he was a diplomat at the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU and an editor and correspondent for the Associated Press, the world’s leading news agency, with long-term postings in New York, London, Strasbourg and Brussels. He holds an Executive Master in Finance from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management and a Master’s degree in English and American Studies and Literature from Charles University in Prague.


Ing. Václav Vojtech, CSc. , born 18.07.1956, Czech nationality

Agricultural policy analyst in the Policies in Agriculture and Trade Division (PTA) of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate (TAD). Graduate in agricultural economics from the Prague School of Economics – Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (1980), and have a PhD in branch economics from the Economic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences – Ekonomický ústav Československé akademie vĕd – in Prague (1990).

Before joining OECD (1995) I have been working in the Research Institute of Agricultural Economy – Výzkumný ústav zemĕdĕlské ekonomiky –in Prague (1980-83, 1990-95) and in the Central Research Institute for Macroeconomics – Ústřední ústav národohospodářského výzkumu – in Prague (1984-1990).

Zdeněk Čech

Získal inženýrský titul na Fakultě financí a účetnictví VŠE a titul M.A. na mezinárodním programu Joint European Study Programme, kde studoval na Staffordshire University (UK) a University of Antwerp (B). Absolovoval studijní pobyty na London School of Economics a IMF Institute (Washington D.C., USA). Je držitelem titulu Ph.D. a hostuje na přednáškách na VŠE a HUB Brusel. Je autorem řady publikací, zejména v oblasti  měnových kurzů a hospodářské integrace.

V roce 1997 začal kariéru v České národní bance jako měnový expert. Do Evropské komise nastoupil v roce 2003 v rámci Generálního ředitelství pro hospodářské a finanční záležitosti (DG ECFIN). Vedl expertní team pro zavedení eura a v průběhu krize spolupracoval s Mezinárodním měnovým fondem na záchraných finančních programech v jihovýchodní Evropě. V roce 2009 působil jako zástupce Ministra financí České republiky (v rámci českého předsednictví v EU) na globálním fóru G20. V prosinci 2012 byl jmenován do funkce ekonomického poradce Zastoupení Evropské komise v České republice.

Jan Bartoš

Jan has studied International Relations at the Charles University in Prague and European Studies at the Sorbonne in Paris. He worked at the Czech Republic’s Administration of Material Reserves, where he gained experience during the Czech Republic’s EU Presidency. Jan represented the ASMR internationally at the EU, IEA, NATO and other organizations and later became Head of the Oil Security Department. Since early 2013, Jan works for the International Energy Agency’s Emergency Policy Division.

Pavlína Žáková

Pavlína has worked at the European Commission since 2005. Since 2014, she has been assigned to the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic as an Economic Adviser. In 2013-14, she worked at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic as an Adviser to the Deputy Minister for Public Budgets. She was also seconded to the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic during the Presidency in the EU Council in 2009, where she advised to the State Secretary for EU Affairs. Pavlína Žáková obtained a PhD. degree in Economics at the Faculty of Social Science, Charles University.  


Michal Petr 

 Michal Petr is a senior researcher at the Department of International and European Law of the Faculty of Law of the Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic; he has been in a similar position at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, since 2003. He specializes in EU law, in particular competition law, state aid, public procurement and regulation of network industries. He gained his experience while working for the OECD in 2011 and 2012 and especially at the Czech Competition Authority, where he was acting as Head of Legislation Department (2003 – 2009), Director of the Section of Legislation and International Relations (2009 – 2010) and the Vice-Chairman responsible for completion law and policy (2010 – 2015). He authored numerous publications concerning competition law, regulation of network industries and due process. He is a member of the editorial board of the ANTITRUST and Public GovernanceAdministration and Finances Law Review, as well as national correspondent for the European Competition and Regulatory law Review and a member of the advisory appellate committee of the Czech Competition Authority and the Czech National Bank. 

Karina Kubelková

Karina Kubelková has obtained Master and Ph.D. Degree in Economic Policy at the Faculty of Economics of the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE), where she has been teaching since 2008. She has attended study and research stays at prestigious universities such as the University of Padova, the University of Lausanne, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Helsinki, the University of Mumbai, or the Lomonosov Moscow State University. She has obtained a second Master (MBA) from the Université Jean Moulin Lyon III. She is a professional in applied economic policy, economic analysis and parliamentary and governmental agendas. She has been working as an economic analyst in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister at the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and in the Office of the President of the Republic. From 2016, she works as a Chief Economic Analyst at the Czech Chamber of Commerce.


Materiály (Presentations):

Karina Kubelková: Czech Republic and Slovak Republic: economic development after EU entry

Regulatory policy and governance for strengthening competitivness (Daniel Trnka)

Central Banks, Monetary Policies and Banks (Pavel Štěpánek)

Karel Dyba (Re)creating a market economy

Recreating a market economy

Tax policy analysis OECD data

Agricultural policies in OECD countries

Competition Law and Policy

The Euro and the Banking Union- A View from Prague

Future of Europe

Presentation VSE: IEA’S role in energy security with focus on oil security (Jan Bartoš 2018)

Presentation VSE: The EU Bank in the context of the global financial architecture 2018

Doporučené čtení:

Czech Republic Overview 2014